quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013

Dor nas costas

Pois é, minha gente, minha semana começou difícil. Na domingo a tarde, comecei a espirrar. Tomei remédio para gripe e não adiantou. Aí, me dei conta de que era a minha sinusite dando o ar da graça. Tomei um xarope e quando tava quase bom, ontem de manhã, fui levantar de cama e minha coluna começa a doer muito. Dava umas pontadas na bunda. Cheguei a pensar na possibilidade de voltar para a cama e não ir trabalhar, coisa que nunca fiz. Mas tomei dois Dorflex e melhorei. Fui para o trabalho e não me preocupei. Afinal, ontem era o dia da minha fisioterapia (já falei dela aqui: http://blogdaacessibilidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/minha-relacao-com-fisioterapia.html). Fiz a sessão e hoje continuei com a mesma dor.
Sei, por experiência própria de outros momentos de dor (e de tratamento com a Denise), que ela continua nos primeiros dias e depois vai diminuindo. Mas é duro sentir as pontadas (doeu até quando respirei). Te tira o humor, a graça de viver... E o que me entristece é que estou chegando numa idade crítica (40 anos). Eu vejo a minha mãe com 67 anos e com dor no joelho e no ombro. E fico me imaginando como eu ficarei na terceira idade. Confesso que me preocupa.
Tem gente que vive constantemente com dor. Outro dia, li uma reportagem sobre um ex-goleiro do Inter que teve uma lesão tão séria que precisou abandonar a carreira. Ele disse que convive diariamente com ela. Imagino como deve ser difícil lidar com essa situação e não quero isso para mim.


Well, folks, my week started hard. On Sunday afternoon, I began to sneeze. I took cold medicine and to no avail. Then I realized it was my sinusitis giving the air of grace. I made a syrup and when tava almost good, yesterday morning, I was up in the bed and my back starts to hurt a lot. Gave a few twinges in the ass. I considered the possibility of going back to bed and not go to work, something I never did. But I took two Dorflex and improved. I went to work and did not care. After all, yesterday was the day of my physical therapy (I have already spoken of it here: http://blogdaacessibilidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/minha-relacao-com-fisioterapia.html). Did the session and continued today with the same pain.

I know from experience of other moments of pain (and treatment with Denise), she remains in the early days and then decreases. But it's hard to feel the pangs (to hurt when I breathed). Te takes the humor, the grace to live ... And what saddens me is that I'm getting a critical age (40 years). I see my mother with 67 years with knee pain and shoulder. And I'm wondering how I'll be in old age. I confess that worries me.

Some people live in constant pain. The other day, I read an article about a former Inter goalkeeper had a serious injury so he had to abandon the race. He said he lives daily with her. I can imagine how difficult it must be to deal with this situation and do not want it for me.


Well, folks, my week started hard. On Sunday afternoon, I began to sneeze. I took cold medicine and to no avail. Then I realized it was my sinusitis giving the air of grace. I made a syrup and when tava almost good, yesterday morning, I was up in the bed and my back starts to hurt a lot. Gave a few twinges in the ass. I considered the possibility of going back to bed and not go to work, something I never did. But I took two Dorflex and improved. I went to work and did not care. After all, yesterday was the day of my physical therapy (I have already spoken of it here: http://blogdaacessibilidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/minha-relacao-com-fisioterapia.html). Did the session and continued today with the same pain.

I know from experience of other moments of pain (and treatment with Denise), she remains in the early days and then decreases. But it's hard to feel the pangs (to hurt when I breathed). Te takes the humor, the grace to live ... And what saddens me is that I'm getting a critical age (40 years). I see my mother with 67 years with knee pain and shoulder. And I'm wondering how I'll be in old age. I confess that worries me.

Some people live in constant pain. The other day, I read an article about a former Inter goalkeeper had a serious injury so he had to abandon the race. He said he lives daily with her. I can imagine how difficult it must be to deal with this situation and do not want it for me.


Ну, ребята, моя неделя началась тяжело. В воскресенье днем​​, я начал чихать. Я принял лекарство от простуды и безрезультатно. Тогда я понял, что это был мой синусит давая воздух благодати. Я сделал сироп и когда тава почти хорошо, вчера утром, я был в постели, и моя спина начинает болеть много. Дал несколько приступов боли в заднице. Я рассматривал возможность возвращения к кровати и не идти на работу, то, что я никогда не делал. Но я взял два Dorflex и совершенствуется. Я пошел на работу и не заботился. В конце концов, вчера был день моей физической терапии (я уже говорил об этом здесь: http://blogdaacessibilidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/minha-relacao-com-fisioterapia.html). Сделал сессии и была продолжена сегодня с той же болью.

Я знаю по опыту других моменты боли (и лечения с Дениз), она по-прежнему в первые дни, а затем уменьшается. Но это трудно чувствовать муки (чтобы больно, когда я дышал). Те занимает юмор, благодать жить ... И то, что печалит меня то, что я получаю критического возраста (40 лет). Я вижу свою мать с 67 лет с боли в колене и плече. И мне интересно, как я буду в старости. Я признаюсь, что меня беспокоит.

Некоторые люди живут в постоянной боли. На днях я прочитал статью о бывшем Интер вратарь получил серьезную травму и ему пришлось отказаться от гонки. Он сказал, что он живет с ней ежедневно. Я могу себе представить, как трудно бывает справиться с этой ситуацией и не хотят это для меня.


Bueno, amigos, mi semana comenzaron duro. El domingo por la tarde, empecé a estornudar. Tomé medicamentos para el resfriado y fue en vano. Entonces me di cuenta que era mi sinusitis dar el aire de gracia. Hice un jarabe y cuando tava casi bueno, ayer por la mañana, yo estaba en la cama y mi espalda empieza a doler mucho. Dio unas punzadas en el culo. Consideré la posibilidad de ir a la cama y no ir a trabajar, algo que nunca hice. Pero tomé dos Dorflex y mejorado. Fui a trabajar y no me importaba. Después de todo, ayer fue el día de mi terapia física (ya he hablado de ello aquí: http://blogdaacessibilidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/minha-relacao-com-fisioterapia.html). ¿El período de sesiones y continuó hoy con el mismo dolor.

Sé por experiencia de otros momentos de dolor (y el tratamiento con Denise), que se mantiene en los primeros días y luego disminuye. Pero es difícil sentir las punzadas (a doler cuando respiré). Te toma el humor, la gracia de vivir ... Y lo que más me entristece es que me estoy poniendo una edad crítica (40 años). Veo a mi madre con 67 años con dolor en la rodilla y el hombro. Y me pregunto cómo voy a estar en la tercera edad. Confieso que me preocupa.

Algunas personas viven en constante dolor. El otro día, leí un artículo acerca de un ex portero del Inter sufrió una lesión grave por lo que tuvo que abandonar la carrera. Dijo que vive diariamente con ella. Me imagino lo difícil que debe ser para hacer frente a esta situación y no quiero para mí.


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