Quem acompanha esse blog, sabe que eu faço parte da Torcida Acessível da Arena do Grêmio (TAAG). Como assessor de imprensa da TAAG, tento divulgá-la de todas as formas (óbvio). Um dos e-mails que mandei foi parar na RBS TV (afiliada da Globo no Rio Grande do Sul). Passados alguns meses, eles ligaram para o Osorio, presidente da torcida, e tiveram a seguinte ideia de pauta: pegar algum deficiente e mostrar a acessibilidade do trajeto entre a sua casa até a Arena. Os "cobaias" foram o Osorio e o Rotechild, vice-presidente da TAAG. Vejam o resultado: http://globoesporte.globo.com/rbs-esporte/videos/t/edicoes/v/no-ultimo-jogo-na-arena-dois-torcedores-fanaticos-avaliaram-a-acessibilidade/2622977/ .
Anyone who follows this blog knows that I am part of the Affordable Fans Arena Sorority (TAAG). As spokesman for TAAG, try to spread it in every way (obviously). One of the emails that was sent to stop at RBS TV (Globo affiliate in Rio Grande do Sul). A few months later, they called for Osorio, president of the crowd, and had the idea of following agenda: get some poor accessibility and show the path between your home to the Arena. The "guinea pigs" were the Osorio and Rotechild, vice chairman of TAAG. Look at the result: http://globoesporte.globo.com/rbs-esporte/videos/t/edicoes/v/no-ultimo-jogo-na-arena-dois-torcedores-fanaticos-avaliaram-a-acessibilidade/2622977/ .
Anyone who follows this blog knows that I am part of the Affordable Fans Arena Sorority (TAAG). As spokesman for TAAG, try to spread it in every way (obviously). One of the emails that was sent to stop at RBS TV (Globo affiliate in Rio Grande do Sul). A few months later, they called for Osorio, president of the crowd, and had the idea of following agenda: get some poor accessibility and show the path between your home to the Arena. The "guinea pigs" were the Osorio and Rotechild, vice chairman of TAAG. Look at the result: http://globoesporte.globo.com/rbs-esporte/videos/t/edicoes/v/no-ultimo-jogo-na-arena-dois-torcedores-fanaticos-avaliaram-a-acessibilidade/2622977/ .
Wer diesen Blog verfolgt, weiß, dass ich ein Teil der günstigen Fans Arena Sorority (TAAG) bin. Als Sprecher für TAAG, versuchen Sie es in jeder Hinsicht (offensichtlich) zu verbreiten. Einer der E-Mails, die gesendet zu RBS TV (Affiliate Globo in Rio Grande do Sul) zu stoppen war. Ein paar Monate später rief sie für Osorio, der Präsident der Menge, und die Idee hatte folgende Tagesordnung: bekommen einige schlechte Zugänglichkeit und zeigen den Weg zwischen Ihrem Heimat der Arena. Die "Versuchskaninchen" waren die Osorio und Rotechild, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der TAAG. Schauen Sie sich das Ergebnis: http://globoesporte.globo.com/rbs-esporte/videos/t/edicoes/v/no-ultimo-jogo-na-arena-dois-torcedores-fanaticos-avaliaram-a-acessibilidade/2622977/ .
Любой, кто следит этого блога знают, что я являюсь частью Доступное Arena Вентиляторы Sorority (TAAG). Как представитель TAAG, попробуйте распространить его во всех отношениях (очевидно). Одно из писем, которые были отправлены, чтобы остановиться в RBS TV (Globo филиал в Рио-Гранде-ду-Сул).Несколько месяцев спустя, они призвали к Осорио, президент толпу, и пришла в голову идея следующей повесткой дня: получить некоторые низкой доступностью и показать соединение между вашим домом к Арене."Морских свинок" были Осорио и Rotechild, заместитель председателя TAAG. Посмотрите на результат: http://globoesporte.globo.com/rbs-esporte/videos/t/edicoes/v/no-ultimo-jogo-na-arena-dois-torcedores-fanaticos-avaliaram-a-acessibilidade/2622977/ .
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